The chilly, 45-degree Saturday night (the last night of Daylight Savings Time) came as a shock after being spoiled by the warm beginning to March, but that didn’t seem to deter a large turnout for the 2024 Towpath Trail Lantern Parade.
The annual event is produced by Canalway Partners, and according to their director of communications, Meghan Tinker Paynter, this year’s turnout was a record-breaker.
“This was our third year putting on this event, and we were so excited to see our largest crowd yet. We estimate that about 350 people walked along the trail with us this year,” said Meghan.
The group made for a spectacular sight as they illuminated their way with their handmade lanterns of all shapes and sizes at dusk, winding along the already beautifully lit Towpath Trail.
On an 80° day in Cleveland, Ohio, Mayor Justin Bibb took a walk down Professor Street in Tremont, asked questions of community members, and listened to their answers. Tremont’s neighborhood newspaper, The Tremonster, tagged along to document Mayor Bibb’s unique approach to connecting with our residents and businesses directly—by walking through our neighborhood, himself.
Vernice Simmons and Vera Elridge at Hooper Farm Kite Day
by Bruce Checefsky
Erich Hooper has been farming since 1993. Hooper Farm in Tremont (2835 West 11th Street), the original Cleveland urban farm, is cultivated on a 1-acre parcel at 2702-2880 W 11th Street, just a few blocks from A Christmas Story House and Lincoln Park. Erich works with the youth, elderly, ex-convicts, and others on the farm, giving them real-life skills and opportunities they can use to support themselves. Hooper grows lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, sage, onions, potatoes, and other crops, with enough produce for restaurants, many of them in the Tremont neighborhood. Hooper Farm Kite Day at Clark Field took place last month.
2023 Tremont West Membership Meeting and Board Elections May 18
This year’s meeting will be held Thursday,May 18th 2023 at Scranton Road Bible Church (3095 Scranton Road) at 6 pm. Please join us for a light dinner followed by the Annual Meeting. If you cannot join us we will be streaming the meeting at Additionally, in order to get an accurate count of who will be attending the meeting, if possible, please register for the meeting at the following:
Per a change to the Code of Regulations in 2021, Tremont West is now able to have early voting. Early voting is available Monday May 8th (9 am) through Thursday May 18th, 2023 (2 pm) at the offices of Tremont West Development Corporation, 2406 Professor Avenue.
Henry Senyak, avid beer can collector (photo by Bruce Checefsky).
Bruce Checefsky
Henry Senyak is a retired communications and electrical contractor and lifelong resident of Cleveland. He served as past President and Board officer with the Tremont West Development Corporation, and continues his community engagement in the Tremont and Near West Side neighborhoods. He is currently Chairperson of Lincoln Heights Block Club. He’s also an avid beer can collector.
Bruce: When did you start collecting beer cans?
Henry: I started collecting when I was 10 years old. My dad and uncles would get me beer cans when we went on road trips. We’d check the dumpsters at rest areas for empty beer cans. I stopped collecting when I turned 18 and went back to collecting in1996. I bought an inventory of beer cans from a dealer in Fairlawn who lived in a small little bungalow house with his wife. She wanted him to sell his entire inventory. He owned a business called B&B Sales, one of the biggest beer can selling outfits in the country back in the 70’s and 80’s. I ran into him at the Hartville Flea Market. I started to buy his inventory in 1998 then he passed away a year later. It took me about forty-five trips with my van to go to Fairlawn and bring his inventory back to Cleveland. I’ve sold a lot of it since then on eBay in early 2000. I supplement my personal collection by buying and trading with other collectors across the country.
Bruce: How many cans were in his inventory?
Henry: Over 50,000 beer cans. I paid about $2,600. A lot of people might say, ‘you got a bunch of junk here’ which collectors might agree with but everybody has junk. If they only knew that I sold and traded some from his inventory to build my personal collection, they’d understand. My personal collection is now more than 45,000 cans and I still have about 40,000 duplicates from his inventory available to trade.
More cash means more stability for children and families
by Will Petrik
All children and families, no matter where they live or what they look like, deserve stability, security, and basic human dignity. But for decades, certain state and federal lawmakers have prioritized tax giveaways for the wealthy while 46% of Cleveland children lived in poverty in 2019.
On July 15, tens of millions of families across the nation received their first child tax credit payment, which was part of the American Rescue Plan, the federal COVID-relief bill. The deposits of $300 per child under age six, and $250 per child ages 6 to 17, are the first of six monthly payments going to households with children this year. The expansion of the child tax credit will give children the opportunity for a brighter future, take some stress off struggling families, and put more money in peoples’ pockets to spend at local businesses and support the economy.
The overall payment is $3,600 a year per child under age 6 and $3,000 per child 6 to 17. The first half is going out to families in monthly payments and the other half will come in a lump sum after parents or heads of households file their 2021 taxes next year. This could be a game-changer for an estimated 389,000 adults in Ohio who reported recently (data collected between June 9 and July 5) that children in their household were not eating enough because they couldn’t afford enough food, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University estimate that the changes to the child tax credit will reduce child poverty in Ohio by nearly 49%. Families will have additional resources to help with food, diapers, safe housing, health care and other basic family expenses.
Ask around once you get to the central and west Lake Erie coast area and go to the waterfront spots that are suggested…so many fun little spots.
Old Tremonster Talks About His New Neighborhood and Some Learned Perspective Being Away
by Josh York
Well, I suppose you’ve figured it out, I no longer live in Tremont. In fairness, I admit I haven’t actually lived in Tremont for some time. I have written many an article for the Tremonster while living in the far-off lands of Westpark and Parma Heights. How can I write about Tremont then, you ask? I felt as though I could still write poignant pieces based around the perspective of the average Tremonster for two reasons; For one, I still worked my day job in Tremont, keeping me roughly in the buzz. And for two, the Tremonster has always been a publication that is supposed to represent what any neighborhood can aspire to be, by advocating local-based thinking and inclusion, wherever your neighborhood may be and whatever form your neighborhood takes.
Which brings me to the point of the piece; The dust has settled somewhat after the pandemic shutdowns and reopenings, and I have found myself in a different industry, working in Vermilion! Which is indeed as far as it sounds. Living, working and parenting in three completely different regions can show you some pretty stark realities about what you thought you knew about human beings, and their feelings and perspectives. And that is why I thought it was appropriate to do a first piece back, about how zany my new neighborhood is, how many cool things there are to see along the central coast of Lake Erie, and how we all can find common ground with those that, at first, we may find off-putting.
Now, you may be inclined to think I am about to go into how different the neighborhoods are in Vermilion compared to Tremont or something like that, but that is not the way I am seeing things at all these days. I look at the area that I cover regularly, which spans from Vermilion to Lakewood to Parma Heights and down to Akron, as my ‘one big neighborhood’. My world is large now and I am loving it. It gives me a chance to hike, kayak and ride in new parks, and I have food and beers in countless small towns, mid-size suburbs, country areas, urban areas, and various neighborhoods. I meet people of every degree on the conservative/liberal spectrum. I have been yelled at and openly made fun of for wearing a mask upon walking into establishments. I have been yelled at and harassed by fellow customers for standing up to shift my coat under my butt on a bar stool while my mask top was just below my nose. I exist in places where the fringes of different social sets brush against each other, and in a large enough area that I can start to understand the finer nuances of what we may write off as one group or another.
Let’s be honest too, this country has been polarized by so many different ideas and events, many political in nature and many involving difficult health decisions, and it’s a shame that we are drawing these lines with one another. In doing so, we are buying into an idea that you must be 100% on the side of one topic. And that means that the other side must be 100% exactly opposite of your side. In thinking like that, we are banishing ourselves into informational deserts, with little chance to find common ground. I am mostly liberal, and definitely did not agree with the storming of the Capitol. But when I heard that the QAnon Shaman was boycotting food because he only eats organic and whatnot, it made me go, “Hunh.” I support organic eating, too. I bet you if it never came up about QAnon or the Capitol, he and I would have a decent conversation about whole foods.
I am not out to make this piece heavy in its tone, I am only wanting to throw out a few observations in my travels back and forth and to and fro. Let’s keep it light and get to it.
TREMONT — Tremonsters turned out in droves to witness the ribbon cutting for Stage 4 of the Towpath Trail at historic Camp Cleveland at 2 p.m. on a hot and sunny June 9 that was forecasted to bring rain.
The Civil War landmark, located at the northernmost end of West 10th Street and the corner of University Road, overlooks the sweeping Cleveland skyline, serving as the perfect setting and backdrop for such a significant occasion. The Camp Cleveland site is commemorated by new historical elements as part of Stage 4 in addition to the Towpath Trail, in honor of its importance.
Canalway Partners brought 35 years of dreaming and planning to realization on Wednesday afternoon, and shared a vision of a bright future in a place with a rich and winding history. Where President James A. Garfield once worked as a canalman along the mule trail, local walkers, kayakers, cyclists, birders, canoers, and joggers will forge a history of their own for generations to come.
“That’s why we’re here,” said Chris Ronayne, chair of Canalway Partners and president of University Circle Inc., “to interpret the heritage of the place from which we come, here in Cuyahoga Valley.”
After Lucky Park was listed for sale, Tremonsters rallied to call for keeping the valued Tremont neighborhood plot as green space (photos by Michael Jankus).
TREMONT— More than 50 Tremont residents gathered at the corner of Starkweather Ave. and Professor Ave. on May 23 for the Save Lucky Park Rally to speak up for one of Tremont’s most adored green spaces.
Residents of all ages, and at least a dozen of their dogs, met Sunday evening at 7:00 pm to take a photo at Lucky Park and share what the park has meant to them in light of the recent news of its for sale status.
The 3,000-square-foot patch of greenery has been placed on the market by the property owner for $109,000. Tremont West Development Corporation will bid on the space.
Tim Harrison, co-chair of Tremont’s South of Jefferson Block Club and one of the rally’s organizers, recounted the park’s journey through the years and the ways the community has come together to care for the park, improving and maintaining it themselves for decades.
Joyo York from The Rustic reflects on how the hunt for an elusive springtime mushroom led to lessons in happiness, ideas for new normals, and a pandemic mascot
by Josh York
“What did you do during the Quarantine?” It had been silent for a few minutes, aside from the sound of bar knives slicing through lemon rinds against cutting boards. The question made me chuckle, especially coming out of the silence. It reminded me of being back in school, when they would ask about your summer break and make you write something about it on the first day.
Well, it’s my first day back at the restaurant after our forced, long, spring break sabbatical. And let me tell you, I didn’t realize it till now, but it feels a lot like being back to school after the summer. Everything is mostly the same, but shinier and more organized. But it’s also different because you are in a new grade, so every process has changed from the way you were used to. I don’t know if it was the new color that was painted on the walls or the spread out floorplan of socially distant tables, but I was surprised at just how strange it felt to be back. I looked up at the young host, and through my mask responded, “Oh you know, the usual stuff. Hiked, biked, cleaned, cooked. Foraged ramps. Spent a lot of time trying to hunt down those dang morels too!” Another coworker joked, “You mean hunting down some morals? Good luck with that.” I retorted, “More like hunting morale, those little suckers are impossible to find!” Everyone laughed except the young host, and when the laughter died down, she asked, “What’s a morel?”