Changes for Tremont
by Jocelynn Clemings
Construction of the second phase of the George V. Voinovich Bridge is well under way and Tremont residents have likely noticed a flurry of activity. Recently, crews began clearing trees along the southeast side of I-90 between Abbey and Starkweather Avenues. Crews are performing earth moving tasks in order to rebuild portions of I-90, and the trees in these areas need to be removed. The roadway in this area is widened slightly – by about four to six feet – in order to accommodate wider “break-down lanes” or shoulders. In addition, because this work includes excavation and rebuilding embankments, it is unlikely existing trees would survive.
Once road construction is complete, crews will come back to do selective clearing in the remainder of the right-of-way areas. Selective clearing is the removal of dead trees, under brush and invasive species. After selective clearing is complete, crews will plant new trees, replacing those taken early on in the project as well as later in the project. Residents with questions or concerns are encouraged to call the Innerbelt hotline at 216.344.0069 or email
Safe & Pleasant Travels,
Jocelynn Clemings Ohio Department of Transportation | District 12 Public Information Officer | Innerbelt Corridor 1441 W 25th Street | Cleveland, OH 44113 Office: 216.584.4030 | Innerbelt Hotline: 216.344.0069 E-mail: | On the Web:
That looks like a LOT more than the 15-foot-wide swath they claimed they would be cutting down.
Hi willibr4. The clearing area runs from 20 to 50 feet from the edge of pavement towards and down the slope. In some areas the clearing area is narrower – in others, it is wider in order to accommodate the needed work.