2023 Tremont West Membership Meeting and Board Elections May 18
This year’s meeting will be held Thursday, May 18th 2023 at Scranton Road Bible Church (3095 Scranton Road) at 6 pm. Please join us for a light dinner followed by the Annual Meeting. If you cannot join us we will be streaming the meeting at facebook.com/tremontwest. Additionally, in order to get an accurate count of who will be attending the meeting, if possible, please register for the meeting at the following: https://bit.ly/2023twdc.
Per a change to the Code of Regulations in 2021, Tremont West is now able to have early voting. Early voting is available Monday May 8th (9 am) through Thursday May 18th, 2023 (2 pm) at the offices of Tremont West Development Corporation, 2406 Professor Avenue.
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