Tag: Cleveland Schools
CMSD Ranks Near Top in Growth on National Test

Photo courtesy of Cleveland Schools Book Fund (clevelandschoolsbookfund.org)

CMSD High School Choice 2015
A special report by The Tremonster
Cleveland’s families aren’t just walking to the nearest school anymore.
The Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s (CMSD) High School Choice event filled the circular concourse of CSU’s Wolstein Center with parents and teens on Wednesday evening.
Students lined the concourse, stopping at a multitude of booths to discuss their dreams and hear from recruiters about how each high school in Cleveland — anywhere in Cleveland — might be the best fit.
Follow The Tremonster for an upcoming series on CMSD’s High School Choice event.
Nina Turner Visits CEO Eric Gordon and the CMSD Student Advisory Committee
Chief Executive Officer Eric Gordon’s Student Advisory Committee was established last school year in response to the law that launched The Cleveland Plan, a customized blueprint for education reform.
Delegations from nearly 30 schools met Friday morning for the second time since classes resumed in August. Gordon has assured the students that he gives their agendas careful consideration – and, he told the teenagers, signs indicate they are reciprocating.
“You’re taking it a lot more seriously,” he said. “You’re growing. Keep doing it.” Continue reading