Engaging Cleveland Neighborhoods – Farm-Fresh Goods in the City
This is Season 1 Episode 2 of Engaging Cleveland Neighborhoods, a magazine-style web TV show developed by Neighborhood Media, and recorded in the fall of 2016. This Cleveland-focused show is produced with the generous assistance of students and faculty from CSU School of Communications FTIM (Film, TV, and Interactive Media) and CSU School of Journalism.
Joe Cimperman, President of Global Cleveland, was recently interviewed by Leah Hammond for Cleveland State University’s Engaging Cleveland Neighborhoods, a CSU-produced pilot program for the upcoming TremonsterTV (Ellen Robinson, Producer).
About Global Cleveland
Global Cleveland seeks to attract, welcome and connect newcomers, including highly skilled and highly trained immigrants and refugees, to Cleveland and Cuyahoga County in order to strengthen the economic vitality and social fabric of our region. The organizational vision is to create a welcoming region that is a place of opportunity and prosperity for people of all racial, ethnic and international backgrounds. Global Cleveland works to connect various resources within the region and collaborate with existing organizations to: 1) Welcome newcomers who will support the growth and talent needs of businesses, industries and institutions; 2) Assist international newcomers and young professionals to establish roots in our neighborhoods; and 3) Foster an inclusive and welcoming community. Continue reading