Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ is a Just Peace and an Open and Affirming congregation in the United Church of Christ (UCC), located at 2592 West 14th Street (216.861.7388, info@pilgrimalive.org). The church extends an invitation to all Tremonsters to come and share our gifts. Carter Eugene reports on the church’s special outreach to Tremont’s arts groups, Tremont’s faithful, and Tremont’s community organizations, inviting one and all to join the many already making use of Pilgrim Church as a vital community resource (report produced by John Eppich). Continue reading
Tag: Pilgrim Congregational
TWDC’s Helathy Corner Store Initiative and its Healthy Cooking Demonstration
by Briana Contreras
Tremont West Development Corporation’s Healthy Corner Store Initiative hosted a Healthy Cooking Demonstration from the Cutting Board Academy’s Tiffany Sutton-Gilbert in late August, 2016, at Pilgrim Church.