PRISM is a short film holding open auditions in Tremont. “We are interested in getting a wide variety of ages and ethnicities for these roles, particularly Black and Asian actors,” says director, writer, and producer Joe Kowalski, “This film is currently not paid, but we will supply food, IMDb credit, and free tickets to the Cedar Lee premiere later this year. Also, Henry Winkler has a cameo, so here’s your opportunity to be one degree away from him!”
PRISM is the latest venture from local Cleveland Filmmaker Joe Kowalski (Billie Bob Joe, One Day: A Musical, PogieJoe Productions). It is expected to be around 30 minutes long, and is ready to start on production as soon as they find the perfect cast.
PRISM is a short film about six individuals from two unique, dysfunctional families. The six individuals are each represented by a different color in this “complexly interlinked drama about love, loss, and meaning.” Continue reading