New Principal Directs Tremont Montessori’s Tuition-Free, Child-Driven Education

 Natalie Celeste, Principal of CMSD’s Tremont Montessori School | Photo by Ted Zbozien

A special report by The Tremonster

Hello, Tremonsters!

The tuition-free, Pre-K-8 school in the heart of our neighborhood, Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s Tremont Montessori, has a new principal at its helm:  Natalie Celeste.  Celeste, a Montessori-trained educator, will steward the over 100-year-old, child-centered educational approach based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood.

The Tremonster sat down with Celeste in a Tremont Montessori classroom to talk about her new role and the time-tested Montessori educational model. Continue reading