Collision Bend Brewing Co. Releases The Word Double IPA Featuring Tremont Artist David Witzke

Chef Natasha Pogrebinsky for The Tremonster

Luke Purcell, brewmaster and part-owner of Collision Bend Brewing Company (1250 Old River Rd, The Flats), was already familiar with Tremont’s most prolific muralist, David Witzke, aka ‘The Sign Guy’ (IG: the_sign_guy_1972), from murals around Tremont and a fence mural Dave had painted at the Rocky River home of a couple of Luke’s close friends.

“That was in my head, and I came to work downtown one day, and Alina, a banquet manager here, had one of Dave’s keychains—a little bird—I was like, ‘I love that guy! My friends have it on their fence.’ That was when it struck Luke that a bird mural would work perfectly for Collision Bend’s local artist series (collaborating with and supporting and promoting local Cleveland artists and causes). Alina is a friend of Dave’s, and she was able to connect the artist with the brewmaster.

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St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Fire Restoration Campaign

Donate to St. Theodosius Church’s Fire Restoration Campaign

A special report by The Tremonster

On Sunday, June 2, the congregation of the St. Theodosius Orthodox Christian Cathedral gathered for services on the grounds of St. Theodosius Cemetery, near the intersection of Biddulph Ave. and Ridge Rd. After the event-sized tent quickly filled to capacity, an overflow of parishioners stood outside the tent entrance holding umbrellas to shelter themselves from the rain.

“It reminded me of difficult moments when I was at the Cleveland Clinic as a chaplain and family would gather around the bed of their family member,” said Father Jan Cizmar, St. Theodosius Priest. “They could, of course, do nothing, but they want to be together as a family. You know these moments when you’re sitting and waiting to hear what the doctors will tell you. In our case, what structural engineers and professionals will tell us we’ll do with the church. We really can do nothing in this case. But we want to be together, support each other, and pray. God is the one who is in charge.”

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Tremont Gardeners’ Lincoln Park Weed & Seed: 9am on Saturday, 6/8

Sweet Peet Mulch company is donating several yards of mulch to Lincoln Park, and we’re recruiting volunteers to help us spread it on the garden areas. The date and time is June 8 at 9am at the gazebo. We’re asking people who have wheelbarrows and shovels to bring those, too. People can come for as long as they are able—a few minutes or an hour.

Lantern Parade 2024 Lights up the Towpath Trail

A special report by The Tremonster

The chilly, 45-degree Saturday night (the last night of Daylight Savings Time) came as a shock after being spoiled by the warm beginning to March, but that didn’t seem to deter a large turnout for the 2024 Towpath Trail Lantern Parade.

The annual event is produced by Canalway Partners, and according to their director of communications, Meghan Tinker Paynter, this year’s turnout was a record-breaker.

“This was our third year putting on this event, and we were so excited to see our largest crowd yet. We estimate that about 350 people walked along the trail with us this year,” said Meghan.

The group made for a spectacular sight as they illuminated their way with their handmade lanterns of all shapes and sizes at dusk, winding along the already beautifully lit Towpath Trail.

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Snowfall on Lincoln Park

Tremont received a first blast of winter 2023 in the early morning hours of November 28, covering Lincoln Park with a 4-inch blanket of snow in just a few hours.

The National Weather Service forecasts lake effect snow will continue through today with Lake Effect Snow Warnings and Winter Weather Advisories where lesser snow amounts are expected. An intense band as of 5am has been sinking southward through NE OH/NW PA and rapidly dropped over 11 inches in Lake County per one of our snow spotters. Expect this to become multiple less intense bands through the morning and into the afternoon, but still capable of moderate to heavy snow at times and quick accumulations. Expect quickly deteriorating road conditions and very low visibilities at times. Snow is about to come ashore in Lorain County and western Cuyahoga County.

Henry Senyak Passes Away

In loving memory of Henry P. Senyak, 5/17/1963 – 8/9/2023


Henry P. Senyak, of Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood. Beloved son of the late Henry E. Senyak, and the late Getrude H. Senyak (nee Pilar). Passed away on August, 9, 2023, at the age of 60, from complications of cancer.) Henry is survived by many first and second cousins, aunts, uncles, and other relations. But considered his community, friends, and neighbors to be family members too.

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The Hooper Farm Experience

Vernice Simmons and Vera Elridge
Vernice Simmons and Vera Elridge at Hooper Farm
Kite Day

by Bruce Checefsky

Erich Hooper has been farming since 1993. Hooper Farm in Tremont (2835 West 11th Street), the original Cleveland urban farm, is cultivated on a 1-acre parcel at 2702-2880 W 11th Street, just a few blocks from A Christmas Story House and Lincoln Park. Erich works with the youth, elderly, ex-convicts, and others on the farm, giving them real-life skills and opportunities they can use to support themselves. Hooper grows lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, sage, onions, potatoes, and other crops, with enough produce for restaurants, many of them in the Tremont neighborhood. Hooper Farm Kite Day at Clark Field took place last month.

Bruce: What is Hooper Farm Kite Day?

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2023 Tremont West Membership Meeting and Board Elections May 18

2023 Tremont West Membership Meeting and Board Elections May 18

This year’s meeting will be held Thursday, May 18th 2023 at Scranton Road Bible Church (3095 Scranton Road) at 6 pm.  Please join us for a light dinner followed by the Annual Meeting.  If you cannot join us we will be streaming the meeting at  Additionally, in order to get an accurate count of who will be attending the meeting, if possible, please register for the meeting at the following:

Per a change to the Code of Regulations in 2021, Tremont West is now able to have early voting.  Early voting is available Monday May 8th (9 am) through Thursday May 18th, 2023 (2 pm) at the offices of Tremont West Development Corporation, 2406 Professor Avenue.

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