Merrick House is Home Court for I CAN Schools

A special report by The Tremonster

Merrick House is partnering with I CAN Schools to provide students in their NEO Prep Academy high school athletics Program a home court in Tremont.

According to Rocky Melendez, Merrick House Assistant Director and Coordinator of Youth Services, “What Merrick House is doing is going out into the community and partnering with neighborhood schools, neighborhood churches, and other organizations within our own community so that they can utilize the gymnasium.  Continue reading

Roosevelt Post Club 58 Annual Membership Picnic & Fundraiser

by Terry Zacharyj

Commander-Roosevelt Post 58

The Post has had a picnic every year since 1945, almost 70 years straight.

As we did last year, we kept the menu simple and stuck to kielbasa sandwiches, hamburgers, potato salad, chips and the member-donated pastry and sweets. This year we opened up to all Polish Legion of American Veterans (PLAV) Members (We are Roosevelt Post # 58 of the Polish Legion of American Veterans, USA) and guests with the hopes of getting new members. Continue reading

Esperanza and Friends Give Away 1,100 Backpacks with School Supplies

A special report by The Tremonster

Students and their parents had already arrived by 7:00 a.m. on August 9, for Esperanza Inc.’s Back-to-School Celebration and School Supply Giveaway event.  By the 10:00 a.m. event start time, a line of excited Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) students and parents had formed that wrapped around the corner of W. 25th Street and Clark Avenue, the headquarters building of Esperanza, Inc. Continue reading

Freddie Lima, pouring wine at Press Wine Bar and Restaurant

Wine is treated with great care at Press Wine Bar and Restaurant (2221 Professor Ave, Cleveland, OH, 216.566.9463), serving up Cleveland’s first Wine-on-Tap, wine by the glass and bottle, local beers, full bar and incredible food from the corner of Literary and Professor in Tremont.

Postal Service Releases Top Dog Attack City Rankings

WASHINGTON , May 14, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — As a prelude to a news conference tomorrow to kick-off National Dog Bite Prevention Week, the U.S. Postal Service released its top 30 dog attack city rankings and offered tips to reduce dog attacks to letter carriers. Nationwide, 5,581 postal employees were attacked last year.

Tomorrow’s 10:30 a.m. ET, event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, will include letter carriers recounting their dog attacks and feature pit bull therapy dog Elle, the American Humane Association’s 2013 Hero Dog of the Year. Veterinarians and representatives of the medical community will provide tips on dog attack prevention and responsible pet ownership. Representatives from the insurance industry will discuss dog bite claims and homeowner liability. Internationally-renowned dog trainer, author, and television personality Victoria Stilwell and Kelly Voigt, a dog attack victim, will join Elle and her handlerLeah Brewer in a dog safety demonstration. Continue reading

Cleveland Police 2nd District Rally to Support Keith Sulzer


A rally to support Commander Keith Sulzer was held at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, 3/25/14, at the Second District Station, 3481 Fulton Road.  The rally was organized by the Second District Community Relations Committee. A fellowship gathering was held at Benny’s Sports Cafe, 3463 Fulton Road, following the rally.