Crust Opens Second Location

a special report by The Tremonster

The new, second location for Crust – in Midtown Cleveland – is up and running.  Now, the familiar sights and smells that have beckoned Tremonsters half way down Kenilworth from either W. 10th or W. 11th Streets to the small but mighty Crust Tremont location are having the same impact on new customers from the intersection of St. Clair Avenue and E. 30th Street. Continue reading

Tri-C New Adult Diploma Program Now Enrolling

15-0360 CP - Adult Diploma Program 5x7 - PR_webParticipants earn diploma and career credential; enrollment now open

A new program launching at Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) will link earning a high school diploma with free job training for adults age 22 or older who left school before graduating.

Enrollment in the Adult Diploma Program at Tri-C opens Monday, July 6. The state-funded project is designed to provide the schooling and training needed for jobs within in-demand fields. Continue reading

St. Wendelin Parish to Break Ground on a New Parish Prayer Garden

St Wendelin Parish Welcomes You_banner

by Susan Kidd

St. Wendelin Parish, on Columbus Road, will break ground on a new Parish Prayer Garden. The Garden sits behind the rectory and will include beautification of the entire property.

“This project began as a plan to make the rectory and the grounds more accessible, beautiful and more available to the community and our parish,” said Fr. Robert Kropac, pastor of St. Wendelin Parish. Continue reading

Reflections on Tremont Wildlife by Yvonne Bruce


by Yvonne Bruce

It’s hard to think of Tremont as a habitat for nature, but there’s more wildlife here than in any other city I’ve lived. Raccoons, possums, skunks, groundhogs, cormorants circling Steelyard and blue herons stalking fish in the canal with Alcoa’s stacks behind them. Last July I was walking home from the Scranton towpath ribbon cutting when I heard clip clopping behind me on the most desolate stretch of Carter Rd. Continue reading

Crust Opens Second Location in Midtown

CRUST Pizza_7-Giant Slice and PricingTremonsters, CRUST has opened its long-awaited second location in Midtown at 3000 St. Clair (at E. 30th & St. Clair Ave., the former Bada Bing club)!  Check out the new digs, order a slice of the good old “Destroyer,” and sit at one of many tables in the new, spacious CRUST dining room.

Merrick House Learning Garden Kicks off Its Inaugural Season

garden growthPhotos courtesy of Merrick House

After only one month outdoors, the Merrick House Learning Garden plants have grown tremendously.

By Stacia Naoum

After months of planning and preparation, the Merrick House Learning Garden kicked off its inaugural season in 2015. Seeds were planted indoors in March, and by May they were ready to transplant into their new home in five raised beds installed in the backyard at 1050 Starkweather Avenue.

MH garden

The backyard at Merrick House before the garden was planned and planted. In order to best utilize this space, Merrick House decided to turn it into an outdoor classroom.

The garden was conceptualized not only to utilize the large grassy area in the back of the Merrick House facility, but also to create learning opportunities for program participants of the non-­‐profit, as well as a way to get the larger community involved at Merrick House.  Continue reading

Location, Location, Location

1205 Starkweather For Lease_web

1205 Starkweather

Retail and office space is available on Tremont’s Lincoln Park — the heart of our popular Cleveland neighborhood — as this thoughtfully re-purposed 1205 Starkweather Avenue building is lovingly restored.

Your business could be located across the street from Tremont’s beautiful Lincoln Park – always busy throughout the community event seasons – in this eye-catching building nestled between the Lincoln Park Baths and St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church. Continue reading

Public Meeting at Tremont Montessori Plans for Enrollment, Curriculum, and Environment

Tremont Montessori Community Meeting

A special report by The Tremonster

The future of what happens inside the Tremont Montessori School to support the program’s growth in enrollment, accommodate the curriculum and create a quality physical environment was discussed at the most recent community meeting.

Roughly 50 neighbors, parents, teachers and even some students gathered in the school’s lunchroom at 5 p.m. May 19. It was the third meeting this year to gather feedback from the neighborhood and other stakeholders about how to update the 98-year-old school building to give students a 21st century learning environment. Continue reading