In the spring, when people were ordered to stay at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, all Ohio utilities stopped disconnecting service for customers who lost their jobs or were working fewer hours and couldn’t pay.
Starting in July, those moratoriums started to be lifted. The last moratoriums – Cleveland Public Power and the Cleveland Water Department – are set to end on Dec. 1.
Navigating payment plans, financial assistance programs and emergency funds can be frustrating. Plus, many community service agencies that sign up for these programs are closed to the public, and most applications must be completed online or by phone.
Advocates at these agencies say it’s a good idea to get your documents ready when calling for help, including associated utility bills, recent paychecks, and documentation of loss of income or confirmation of unemployment.
By simply dialing three digits (2-1-1), greater Clevelanders can make one call to find or give help.
Ohio’s United Way 2-1-1 Help Center can answer specific questions about which program might be a good fit.
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