Mark Keffer, on 20 Years of ArtWalk

By tragic omission, Mark Keffer’s testimonial on 20 Years of ArtWalk was cut off the end of the article in the print version of The Tremonster.  The unique perspective he brings to the collective memory of ArtWalk is as unique as his work, itself.  For that reason, we chose this as the first ArtWalk dedication to publish on  To have your Artwalk testimonial published on, please contact us at with ArtWalk testimonials of your own.

Mark Keffer

“Iʼve really enjoyed ArtWalk occasions when live music was paired with exhibitions, be it for openings, closings or special events: Bill Weita doing solo guitar stuff at Doubting Thomas, Craig Martin playing his songs surrounded by his paintings at Jean Brandtʼs, Tom Orange always being involved in some engaging project or other, etc. I remember one such music/visual art pairing from ʼ05. I was having a painting show at Jeanʼs and asked industrial noise experimenters Iron Oxide to perform to help spice up the opening (and allow me to talk less). Jeff Curtis said ʻhave you heard us? It might not work for an opening. We might clear the place out.ʼ  My adventurous side won out and I encouraged them to play. They did — and they cleared the place out (save for a few brave souls pinned to the opposite wall of the gallery).”

Mark Keffer:Saying You2012acrylic and spray paint on panel24 x 30"

Mark Keffer:
Saying You
acrylic and spray paint on panel
24 x 30″

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