Community newspapers engage with city officials in roundtable discussion on police pursuit policy

Republished with permission from the Plain Press ⋅ NOVEMBER 29, 2017

PHOTO BY CHUCK HOVEN Tuesday, October 10, 2017; Neighborhood Media community newspaper press conference and round-table discussion about Cleveland Police pursuit policy, Visible Voice Books, 2258 Professor Avenue: Cleveland Police Department Motorcycle Unit Police Officer Frank Leyva and Sergeant Dennis Lally display their new off road vehicles, helmets and protective gear. Three motor bikes, (BMW GS650), were purchased by the Cleveland Police Department to use to engage off road vehicles in Cleveland, said Cleveland Traffic Commissioner James P. Muhic.

On October 10th, at Visible Voice Books in the Tremont neighborhood, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams, Cleveland Traffic Commissioner James P. Muhic and Ward 3 Councilman Kerry McCormack joined representatives of community newspapers in a press conference and roundtable discussion concerning the Cleveland Police Department’s pursuit policy.

Rich Weiss, publisher of The Tremonster and Executive Director of Neighborhood Media, organized the press conference. Weiss explained that at several meetings of block clubs in Tremont, Cleveland Police Officers had referred to “a no pursuit policy.” Weiss asked if there was such a policy in Cleveland.

Mayor Frank Jackson said the City of Cleveland had an “appropriate pursuit policy.” He said, “As you know, a pursuit can end in disaster for those doing the pursuit, those being pursued and those people caught up in the pursuit.” He said there are different rules for different types of pursuits, but “There is no blanket do not pursue policy.”

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A Double Rainbow over Cleveland

A special report by The Tremonster

Rain gave way to sunshine on Tuesday afternoon, adding to Tremont’s spectacular view of the Cleveland skyline.

New Principal Directs Tremont Montessori’s Tuition-Free, Child-Driven Education

 Natalie Celeste, Principal of CMSD’s Tremont Montessori School | Photo by Ted Zbozien

A special report by The Tremonster

Hello, Tremonsters!

The tuition-free, Pre-K-8 school in the heart of our neighborhood, Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s Tremont Montessori, has a new principal at its helm:  Natalie Celeste.  Celeste, a Montessori-trained educator, will steward the over 100-year-old, child-centered educational approach based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood.

The Tremonster sat down with Celeste in a Tremont Montessori classroom to talk about her new role and the time-tested Montessori educational model. Continue reading

Crust Tremont Re-Opens on Professor

Crust Pizza Kitchen (216-583-0257, 2258 Professor Ave.) is testing a “soft” open this week, opening daily at 4 pm until owner Mike Griffin and co-owner Megan Griffin have their brand new place running on all cylinders with their new, bigger space, new menu offerings, and new liquor license before returning to regular hours. Welcome back, Crust!

Studio True Blue Thriving in Tremont: Our First Year on the Block

by Sean and Tracey Dwyer

You may not believe us, but we have good news about 2017:  good news and even better news!

When we moved our Studio True Blue Pilates & Massage business to Tremont one year ago, we had no idea what the response might be.  We took a risk setting up shop in our relatively hidden location on Kenilworth.  Discreetly tucked behind Kollective Tattoo, we couldn’t resist the allure of being right on the beautiful Lincoln Park Square, and we found ourselves  inspired by the historically successful businesses that had come before us at this locale.  What appeared to be a risky decision a year ago turned out to be the best move we’ve ever made.  Our clients love the covert location and the way it reflects the private, one-on-one personal training and therapy services we provide.  There is a definite experience of quiet, self-care revolution going on at our studio.  We have met so many amazing people in Tremont, and we absolutely love the communal fun that pulses in Lincoln Park with its festivals, classes, farmers markets and music.

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