March 21-April 8: RTA holds 14 public meetings to discuss budget issues

March 21-April 8: RTA holds 14 public meetings to discuss budget issues

March 21-April 8: RTA holds 14 public meetings to discuss budget issues

On March 21, the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) begins a series of public meetings to gather comments about proposed fare increases for buses, trains and Paratransit, as well as proposed service modifications.

“These proposals will affect every customer, and we want to hear from you,” said Joe Calabrese, RTA CEO and General Manager. “By law, we must balance our budget. To be good stewards of public money, we must look at all possible alternatives. Your comments will help guide our final decision, which will be made April 26 by the Board of Trustees.”

Calabrese said that RTA needs to close a $7 million gap in the 2016 operating budget, passed by the Board in December. He blamed part of the problem on weak transit funding by the State.

At the public meetings, customers will be asked to comment on modifications to a number of routes being considered for full or partial cuts. RTA’s goal is to impact the least number of customers. Modifications to these routes will impact less than 2 percent of RTA’s current customers. Continue reading

‘Changing Lanes’ by Joe Cimperman

Photo by The Tremonster

Photo by The Tremonster

by Joe Cimperman

Dear Friend

I wanted to let you know that this morning an announcement will be made regarding my resignation from Cleveland City Council this Spring.

I am leaving to join the team as President of Global Cleveland and am very excited to work on the effort to bring newcomers, immigrants, and refugees to this great city, the city we all love and call ours. I am also excited to talk about why we are able to welcome people from other places; because the people here in our great community make this a place worthy of welcoming old friends we’ve just met.

It has been the honor of a lifetime serving the great people of ward 3 and learning from you, laughing with you, building with you, growing with you, and taking our city and her amazing neighborhoods to the next level. Continue reading

So Long, Sammy!

Sammy Catania

Sammy Catania

A special report by The Tremonster

Terrible news in Tremont.  We learned only recently about the passing of Sammy Catania.

In an email Wednesday morning, Lynn Murray, Tremont West Board President, wrote, “Tremont West’s Development Director and our friend and neighbor Sammy Catania died yesterday.  Tentatively the funeral arrangements are a service at Trinity Cathedral at 2230 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115 on Saturday, December 12th, at 9:30 am.  Please check the TWDC website for any updates.  Roberta is asking for cards with your ‘Sammy’ stories. You can drop the cards off at Tremont West or at the house.”

Catania’s presence will be missed day-to-day on Tremont’s streets, but he will also be missed as a presence in the long-term development of Tremont.

Reconfiguring, Calming, and Biking W. 14th Street

W 14th Street Restriping_webby Carissa Woytach

Tremont will continue in its efforts to become a more bicycle-friendly area with the addition of bike lanes on both sides of West 14th from the interstate 90 ramp to Clark Ave. Changes started in mid-October and will continue to take place during the work on the I-90 on-ramp, taking the road from four traffic lanes with street parking, to two traffic lanes with street parking and bike lanes in each direction.

The new favor on bike lanes will put West 14th on a diet, making it a “skinny” or “complete” street — which makes a roadway safely accessible to all forms of transportation, including motorist, transit, pedestrians and cyclists.

The addition of bike lanes in both directions will, according to Cory Riordan, director of Tremont West, make the area safely accessible to a wider range of visitors, with no major changes to existing infrastructure. Continue reading

Coventry Artist Shown at LOOP Photographers Exhibit

Copy of Matt Hunsaker and dogby Carissa Woytach

This past September’s ArtWalk exhibit at Loop (2180 W 11th Street), featured nothing but Cleveland photographers. Shortly after this exhibit opened, The Tremonster caught up with one of the exhibiting photographers, Matt Hunsaker, at Loop to discuss his work. Continue reading