Transformed Monthly Arts Event Kicks Off Friday
The second Friday evening of the month has always meant “ArtWalk in Tremont.” But beginning this Friday, the now-renamed event will reach new pinnacles of creativity. Continue reading
Transformed Monthly Arts Event Kicks Off Friday
The second Friday evening of the month has always meant “ArtWalk in Tremont.” But beginning this Friday, the now-renamed event will reach new pinnacles of creativity. Continue reading
by Grai Oleksy
Hello, Tremonsters! The most exciting thing coming to our Holmden Hill Community Garden this year is the 37th Annual Meeting of the American Community Gardening Association (ACGA). The ACGA convention will be hosted August 4-7 at Cleveland State University, and the Holmden Hill Community Garden has applied to be a stop on the group’s garden tour. The ACGA annual conference brings together hundreds of individuals from across the United States, Canada and abroad who are engaged in all aspects of gardening and greening. The conference includes hands-on workshops, presentations, poster sessions, keynote speakers, and visits to community gardens, urban agriculture sites, food security projects and other green space in Cleveland. Continue reading
by Rich Weiss
Recently, Tremonsters driving along W 14th Street near Fairfield Ave. have been treated to a spectacle: the exterior renovations of the beautiful, historic Olney Gallery building, on the Grace Hospital campus. What’s going on? Continue reading
Photo courtesy of Sokolowski’s
Dyngus Day in Tremont began with a celebration of one of our great institutions, Sokolowski’s University Inn. At 9am on Monday, the Sokolowski family was honored by Councilman Joe Cimperman and the City of Cleveland by the dedicating W 13th Place as “Sokolowski Way.”
Weather Tripping to the Spring West Creek Brooklyn Heights March 7 first flowers spotted (photos by Joshua York).
Get In The Car Kids, We Are Taking A Trip. To Where? Wintertime, Naturally!
By Joshua York
It was getting to be late January, and I was standing river-side in the Chagrin Reservation, squinting into the mild sun hazily illuminated through the overcast cloud cover. My friend Pud’n’Snack walked up from behind me, and she poked a stick lazily a couple times into the slushy snow at the river’s edge. We were both a little disappointed yet again this winter. As pretty as the little falls near Squaw Rock looked, with the rocks all spackled with an inch or two of wet snow and the river flowing through glossy ice chutes, it just wasn’t exactly the scene we had set out to enjoy.
Pud’n’Snack and I had heard that we were getting 6 to 8 inches of snow today and decided to blow off some Wednesday work and get down with some sled-riding. Continue reading
PRISM is a short film holding open auditions in Tremont. “We are interested in getting a wide variety of ages and ethnicities for these roles, particularly Black and Asian actors,” says director, writer, and producer Joe Kowalski, “This film is currently not paid, but we will supply food, IMDb credit, and free tickets to the Cedar Lee premiere later this year. Also, Henry Winkler has a cameo, so here’s your opportunity to be one degree away from him!”
PRISM is the latest venture from local Cleveland Filmmaker Joe Kowalski (Billie Bob Joe, One Day: A Musical, PogieJoe Productions). It is expected to be around 30 minutes long, and is ready to start on production as soon as they find the perfect cast.
PRISM is a short film about six individuals from two unique, dysfunctional families. The six individuals are each represented by a different color in this “complexly interlinked drama about love, loss, and meaning.” Continue reading
March 21-April 8: RTA holds 14 public meetings to discuss budget issues
On March 21, the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) begins a series of public meetings to gather comments about proposed fare increases for buses, trains and Paratransit, as well as proposed service modifications.
“These proposals will affect every customer, and we want to hear from you,” said Joe Calabrese, RTA CEO and General Manager. “By law, we must balance our budget. To be good stewards of public money, we must look at all possible alternatives. Your comments will help guide our final decision, which will be made April 26 by the Board of Trustees.”
Calabrese said that RTA needs to close a $7 million gap in the 2016 operating budget, passed by the Board in December. He blamed part of the problem on weak transit funding by the State.
At the public meetings, customers will be asked to comment on modifications to a number of routes being considered for full or partial cuts. RTA’s goal is to impact the least number of customers. Modifications to these routes will impact less than 2 percent of RTA’s current customers. Continue reading
The above advertisement for Tremont’s Crust Subs, Pizza, Salad, & Pasta (with a 2nd location on E. 30th Street, Midtown) was submitted to The Tremonster from Dahlia Greene, age 11. Continue reading
Photo by Christine Merry
This photo of apparent smoke billowing from Tremont’s Lolita Restaurant came in to The Tremonster from Christine Merry