Jennifer Scudellari on Tonight’s Night Out Against Crime at Steelyard

Jennifer Scudellari with Commander Sulzer at NNO 2013.

Jennifer Scudellari with Commander Sulzer at NNO 2013.

First Interstate Properties was approached by Target back in 2007 with a request to partner together with the City of Cleveland to host a safety event at Steelyard Commons.  Our event started off small – taking up only two parking aisles – and we invited the community down for fun, education and neighborhood awareness.  Eight years later, our message is still the same, but NNO at Steelyard Commons has grown to fill The Home Depot parking lot (and more) and has become an institution in the Second District community: an event that showcases not only our city’s anti-crime programs but what a STRONG community we truly are.  I am honored to have been part of the NNO Planning Committee since the beginning and have met lifelong friends through the process.  All of us at Steelyard Commons encourage you to come down and check out our event this year – learn a little, laugh a little, and eat…a lot! -Jenn Scudellari, Operations & Marketing Coordinator, First Interstate Properties, Ltd.

Bob Shores on Night Out Against Crime at Steelyard Commons 8/5

Bob Shores

Bob Shores

NNO is as much about community building as it is about educating the public on safety. Police officers conversing with members of the community at this event accomplishes two goals: First, people get to know the police officer on a personal level, allowing a human face to be associated with law enforcement. Secondly, the police officer has the same experience with the individuals whom they are charged to protect and serve. This all serves to make the Second District area a stronger community. Coupled with a great party, NNO also translates into a wonderful celebration of our diverse community. -Bob Shores, Second District Community Relations Committee Co-Chair

Matt Peterson on Night Out Against Crime at Steelyard Commons 8/5

The Tremonster's photo.

Matt Peterson

I first got involved with NNO when I took over as a manager with Target in Steelyard Commons. Target is the national sponsor of NNO, and because of that I worked hand- in-hand with the Cleveland Second District Police Department, the community, and First Interstate Development to implement and grow the event. After seven years of being at the Steelyard Target, I left to pursue my dream of owning my own bar and grill and landed at the Rowley Inn. Now that I am a business owner and resident in the same neighborhood that the NNO event serves, I continue to drive the “Safe Community” mentality by working with the Second District Community Relations Committee and all the contacts I met during my years with Target. I still attend all the meeting and give feedback on how to improve the event by all the lessons that have been learned from the previous years’ events. The Rowley Inn will also be cooking the nearly 4,000 hotdogs that will be served at the event at no charge to any of the visitors. The Rowley Inn wants to work to help the event and the community by spreading the word of how a safe community and strong neighborhood can make Cleveland a better place for us all to live and work. -Matthew Petersen, Owner, Rowley Inn

Matt Peterson, representingTarget at NNO 2013, accepted an award for his continued support of NNO at Steelyard.

Matt Peterson, representing Target at NNO 2013, accepted an award for his continued support of the event.

Keith Sulzer on Night Out Against Crime at Steelyard Commons

Keith Sulzer

Keith Sulzer

Keith “CAPLOCK” Sulzer

Captain of Community Policing/Cleveland Police Foundation Rep.





ODOT Demolition gets Explosive; Tremonsters Wake up to a Bang

Innerbelt Implosion Photo_BartonSchroeder

The Controlled Explosive Demolition of the old I-90 Innerbelt Bridge took place at 6:00 a.m. on July 12, and attracted crowds to Tremont for a view of the historic event. Barton Schroeder, retired math teacher and local photographic artist said, “We got really lucky. I got here at 5:15 a.m. and there were three people here who wanted a ride down. We parked, but they said, ‘No, you’ve got to move.’ We saw a line of cars and found a spot — right where this picture was taken — I just happened to put a new lens on my camera, and I’m sitting here all ready to go. It went ‘Boom!’” Schroeder snapped his photo in nearly the same instant. Two pieces of Schroeder’s Cleveland icon photo-based artwork are available for sale at Civilization.

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The ArtWalk that Keeps on Giving

Jean Brandt of Brandt Gallery released a statement that the current (May) exhibit will be the final art exhibit of Brandt Gallery at 1028 Kenilworth (Pictured: Object of Beauty work by Cynthia Penter and Michelle Marie Murphy, October ArtWalk, 2010).

Jean Brandt of Brandt Gallery released a statement that the May exhibit will be the final art exhibit of Brandt Gallery at 1028 Kenilworth (Pictured: Object of Beauty, work by Cynthia Penter and Michelle Marie Murphy, October ArtWalk, 2010).

A special report by The Tremonster

Change is the only constant (Heraclitus), and as Tremont ArtWalk rolls through its 22nd year, changes have continued amidst some perennial favorites. Joan Deveney, a veteran of the Cleveland art and poetry world, organized this year’s annual Stupid Cupid exhibit, a Robert Ritchie inspired Valentine’s Day installation at the Doubting Thomas Gallery this past February, which featured over 20 participating artists familiar and new to ArtWalk regulars. Continue reading

The South Side Triple Threat Wednesday

The South Side Cheeseburger is one of a few burgers available on this Wednesday's Triple Threat menu at The South Side.

The South Side Cheeseburger is one of a few burgers available on this Wednesday’s Triple Threat menu at The South Side.

We just ate at The South Side and tried out the Triple Threat Wednesdays menu…this Wednesday it’s a burger, a beer, and a bourbon!  Owner Sherman DeLozier told us The South Side will feature a different beer, a different bourbon and 3 different burgers every Wednesday. Continue reading

Rudy Crowned Dyngus Dog 2014!

Rudy:  Dyngus Dog 2014

Rudy: Dyngus Dog 2014

Secondhand Mutts invited dog lovers to celebrate Dyngus Day with their dogs by coming together on Monday afternoon for the first ever crowning of the official Dyngus Dog 2014.

Tremonsters showed their Dyngus spirit by dressing up their dogs to be a part of the excitement, as summer came to Cleveland for a day just in time to stuff Dyngus Day bars with attendees all too ready for an excuse to shake off the long winter, get out, and be social. Continue reading

Dana Depew Shows at Cowork Tremont

Artist Dana Depew, hanging artwork at Cowork Tremont for his spontaneous ArtWalk exhibit, and an artist teaser event in the space before doors open Friday.

Artist Dana Depew, hanging artwork at COWORK Tremont for his spontaneous ArtWalk exhibit and artist teaser event before doors open Friday.

COWORK Tremont will open with a bang by hosting an exhibit by Tremonster artist Dana Depew this Friday, April 11, for ArtWalk.  COWORK Tremont is located at 806 Literary Road, on the 2nd floor (above Barrio). Continue reading

Clearing Trees along the Southeast Side of I-90 Between Abbey and Starkweather

Photo courtesy of Henry Senyak

Photo courtesy of Henry Senyak

Changes for Tremont

by Jocelynn Clemings

Construction of the second phase of the George V. Voinovich Bridge is well under way and Tremont residents have likely noticed a flurry of activity.  Recently, crews began clearing trees along the southeast side of I-90 between Abbey and Starkweather Avenues. Crews are performing earth moving tasks in order to rebuild portions of I-90, and the trees in these areas need to be removed. The roadway in this area is widened slightly – by about four to six feet – in order to accommodate wider “break-down lanes” or shoulders. In addition, because this work includes excavation and rebuilding embankments, it is unlikely existing trees would survive. Continue reading