Latino Art & Culture and Puerto Rican Parade 2016

(photo by Alexandra Pagan)

(photos by Alexandra Pagan)

by Alexandra Pagan
[English report] The 48th annual Latino Art & Culture and Puerto Rican Parade was this past Saturday, Aug. 6th, at Voinovich Park. One great day celebrating with family-friendly entertainment and tasty Latin foods. This year’s new venue served as a revamp for years to come.

[Spanish report]  La 48a. Anual Festival de Arte & Cultura Latina y Parada Puertorriqueña fue este pasado 6 de Agosto en el Parque Voinovich. Un dia lleno de entretenimiento familiar y comida latina. Este año con un nuevo local sirvio como modelo para los años siguente. Continue reading

Probate Attorney: ‘It’s a Standard Eviction’


Paul Dlugos, outside his late father’s home on W. 11th Street (photo by Henry Senyak)

 A special report by The Tremonster

“It’s a standard eviction,” said probate attorney, James Wagner.  Wagner was standing on the street watching the eviction process near the chest-high pile of Paul Dlugos belongings covering the tree lawn in front of 3155 W. 11th Street.  “It’s not so standard, obviously, but…”

According to Wagner, “Paul was the administrator of the estate, but the court removed him.  The court removed him because he didn’t post the bond and he lied to the court about who the heirs are — he filed an application saying there’s no heirs.  There’s five other heirs; family members.  They’re all family members.  Just go to the probate court docket, and search under Karol Dlugos.  It’s all in the docket.  It’s all in the docket.”

Here is a link to the full Cuyahoga County Probate Court docket found under the name Karol Dlugos of 3155 W. 11th Street, including document PDFs.  It is case number 2015EST206731, titled, “THE ESTATE OF KAROL DLUGOS.”  Below is a reprint of the docket dates and descriptions without PDFs. Continue reading

Lifelong Tremont Resident, Paul Dlugos, Evicted from Late Father’s W. 11 St. Home


Evicted along with Paul Dlugos was his late father’s 12-year-old dog, causing concern that the dog is now roaming the street in distress.

This report was submitted by Henry Senyak earlier this evening:

Today is a very sad day in Tremont. lifelong Tremont resident Paul Dlugos was evicted from his late father’s West 11th St. home. If many remember, in late 2014, his father, Karol Dlugos, died on the sidewalk near Merrick House. Paul took care of his father’s needs. Karol did not have a will; Paul has brothers and sisters in Europe; he had a relative who filed court papers striping Paul as Court Appointed Executor, which has now led to his eviction.
We all see Paul every day, riding his bike in his hoodie — even in 90 degree weather — in the Lincoln Park area. I went to High School with Paul and graduated with him in 1981 from Cleveland Central Catholic. Continue reading

Cleveland’s Historic Mounted Police Unit

Cleveland’s Historic Mounted Police Unit

A special report by The Tremonster

Recently, The Tremonster asked Cleveland Police Captain Keith Sulzer why Tremonsters might be noticing more officers on foot – or even on horseback – interacting with residents in and around our neighborhood.  His answer was simple:  “Cleveland Police understand the importance of community policing in our mission to make Cleveland a safer place to live, work, and raise our children.” Sulzer emphasized the mission is felt force-wide: “Every officer in the division knows that connecting with the community is our number one goal.”  Horseback patrols, like the recent Lincoln Park patrol of Cleveland Police Officers George Janusczak and Breeze (pictured), have actually been on the rise since 2012. Continue reading

New Lincoln-West School to Have Space at MetroHealth

New Lincoln-West School to Have Space at MetroHealth


CMSD’s new Lincoln-West School of Science and Health will be based partly at the MetroHealth System’s main campus.

District and hospital leaders believe the school, which will open July 25 with ninth- and 10th-graders, may be the only one in the country located within a hospital.

Tenth-graders will attend classes at MetroHealth three days a week, while ninth-graders visit weekly. The students will interact with professionals and observe the medical, business and other careers available in the healthcare industry. The juniors and seniors who come later will take coursework at Lincoln-West and online and serve internships.

“The Lincoln-West School of Science and Health will expose students to the hundreds of jobs available in healthcare, jobs that will guarantee them a sound and safe future,” Dr. Akram Boutros, MetroHealth’s president and chief executive officer, said at annual stakeholders meeting Thursday at the Global Center for Health Innovation. He listed the school among accomplishments and plans that address the health and well-being of Cuyahoga County residents. Continue reading

First Cameras Installed in Tremont’s Resident Camera Network

Resident Security Network Camera Installation

A special report by The Tremonster


The first home security cameras are being installed by the resident-based Security Cameras for Tremont program. Tremont has been surveyed, and residents have volunteered to have their homes hardwired for the neighborhood-wide security camera network.

The program has designed a camera network leaving few blind spots for criminals to operate in Tremont without leaving a trail of high-quality information for Cleveland Police.

A grassroots effort to deter future crime began on August 28th when Paul Duda, a Tremont home and business owner who has lived in Tremont for 15 years, launched a campaign for “Security Cameras for Tremont.” Continue reading

Installing Security Cameras for Tremont


Security Cameras for Tremont Program

Brian Devine began installing the Security Cameras For Tremont program network, starting the week of May 16.

A special report by The Tremonster

Good news from the Security Cameras for Tremont program. According to Brian Devine, the optical component of the package has dropped in price considerably.

With the introduction of Ubiquiti’s third generation professional camera the funds raised through the project’s page will extend further than originally projected. Continue reading